Creative Thinking and Innovation Techniques

Creative Thinking and Innovation Techniques

Why Attend

Creativity is recognized as a critical success driver for organizations and individuals. While some believe it is an innate talent one may or may not possess, the prevailing view in modern society is that it is a skill anyone in any organization can develop and harness, given the right nurturing environment.

This course examines the conditions necessary to build such an environment. Using best practice examples from business, art, and science and the practical application of brainstorming, mind mapping, and others, we give participants the instruments they need to transform their lives, environments, and workplaces.

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Course Methodology

This course uses a variety of interactive methods, such as self-awareness tests, exercises using newly learned creative techniques, games, lateral thinking exercises, puzzles, case studies, and video clips with in-depth discussions.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Assess their potential for creativity and innovation 
  • Discover how to apply creative thinking in work-related situations and foster organizational creativity enablers
  • Apply several idea-generation tools while understanding obstacles to creativity
  • Practice a variety of creative thinking strategies in the workplace by thinking outside the box, using SCAMPER, mind mapping, picture association, and other methods
  • Examine the barriers to creative problem-solving and decision-making
Target Audience

Supervisors, managers, team and project leaders, and all individuals who need to adopt a more creative approach in life or at work, solve problems, develop new initiatives, initiate and introduce changes, or deal with personal or organizational issues unconventionally. The course will also benefit anyone interested in recognizing and developing their or a group's creative potential.

Target Competencies
  • Thinking creatively
  • Being flexible
  • Creating an innovative workplace
  • Persistence thinking
  • Applying innovation
  • Analyzing problems and situations
Course Outline
  • Defining Invention, Innovation, and Creativity
    • Creativity and civilization
    • Invention, innovation, and creativity
    • Pillars of creativity
    • Creativity versus madness and intelligence
    • Four types of intelligence
    • Understanding the two hemispheres of the brain
    • Lateral thinking and its applications 
  • Creativity as a Business Tool
    • Creative thinkers' traits
    • Three enablers of creativity
    • Factors influencing individual creativity in an organization
    • Organizational barriers to innovation
    • Building a creative organizational culture
    • The cases of Google and 3M
    • The five classical creative methods
    • Critical thinking versus creative thinking
  • Exploring the Idea Generation Process
    • Brainstorming types
    • Ten attitudes that kill creative ideas
    • Mental barriers to creativity
    • Thinking hats for creative problem solving
    • The four thinking styles by Edward De Bono
  • Creative Thinking Strategies
    • Some “theories” of creativity
    • Creativity tools
    • Synectics
    • Picture associations and biotechniques
    • Mind mapping
    • TRIZ
    • The power of opposite thinking
  • Barriers to Creative Problem-Solving and Decision-Making
    • Stages in problem-solving and decision-making
    • Anatomy of a problem
    • Creative problem-solving steps
    • Barriers to decision-making
    • Creative problem-solving tips
Schedule & Fees