Certificate in Emotional Intelligence

Certificate in Emotional Intelligence

Why Attend

Emotional intelligence involves the way we understand and communicate our emotions, how we perceive the emotions of others, and how we make decisions. It is a powerful component of effective leadership and management. This course will help participants develop and implement the essential emotional intelligence competencies. It will teach them how to build stronger relationships at work, how to empathize with others, how to manage stress levels, how to overcome challenging situations, and how to diffuse personal conflicts. Participants will discover ways of working with emotional intelligence that will help them build trust and resilience, enhance individual and team performance, and lead for long-term success.

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Course Methodology

This course relies on the use of psychometrics to help participants identify their emotional intelligence abilities. The course also features the use of interactive exercises, group discussions, reflective exercises, and activities that will help participants become highly competent in emotional intelligence.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Explore the three aspects of emotional intelligence, the brain design, and the EI cycle
  • Develop self-awareness of their emotions and the impact of emotions on thoughts and behaviors
  • Expand their self-control and self-management by practicing the five competencies of self-control
  • Recognize emotions in others, achieve rapport with their team, and develop social awareness
  • Improve their ability to manage through influencing others and practicing inspirational leadership
Target Audience

Business professionals, managers, team leaders, and individuals who have decided to learn and develop their emotional intelligence competencies to enhance, as well as manage, their relationships at work and in life.

Target Competencies
  • Emotional self-awareness
  • Emotional self-control
  • Managing emotions
  • Emotional expression
  • Emotional understanding
  • Empathy
  • Active listening
  • Team effectiveness
  • Organizational awareness
  • Relationship building
  • Conflict management style
  • Tact, transparency, and emotional control
  • Impact, influence, and inspirational leadership
Course Outline
  • An introduction to emotional intelligence
    • Frequently used terms
      • Intelligence quotient (IQ)
      • Emotional quotient (EQ)
    • An overview of EI
      • Sociological
      • Physiological
      • Psychological
    • The brain design
      • Importance
      • Amygdala
      • Arousal
    • The 3 brains
    • The emotional intelligence cycle
  • Developing your self-awareness
    • Definition of self-awareness
    • The emotional intelligence cycle
    • Signs of high EQ
    • The inner core of self-awareness
    • The awareness of feelings
    • From emotion to action: The APET model
    • Self-awareness questionnaire
    • Low EQ questionnaire
    • Recognizing your emotions
      • The mood meter
      • Plutchik’s wheel of emotions
    • How emotions affect our thoughts and behaviors
    • How to practice self-awareness
  • Developing your self-control
    • Definition of self-control
    • The competencies of self-control
      • Self-regulation
      • Authenticity
      • Accountability
      • Flexibility
      • Self-motivation
    • Self-control questionnaire
    • Reflection on self-control
    • Developing your self-regulation
    • Developing your authenticity
    • Developing your accountability
    • Developing your flexibility
    • Developing your self-motivation
      • Why motivation is important
      • What determines motivation
      • Self-motivation questionnaire
      • The mind/body link
      • The negative-belief cycle
      • Top ten motivational tips
  • Developing your social awareness
    • Definition of social awareness
    • How to decode emotions in faces
    • How to decode emotions in voice pitch and tones
    • Scope of social awareness
      • Empathy
      • Service orientation
      • Organizational awareness
      • Positive and negative office politics
      • Active listening
    • How to build rapport
  • Developing your management of others
    • Definition of relationship management
    • Developing your people
    • Developing others questionnaire
    • Inspirational leadership
    • Behaviors of inspirational leaders
    • Inspirational leadership questionnaire
    • The four influencing styles
    • The five conflict management styles
    • The Interest-Based Relational (IBR) approach
    • The importance of achievement orientation
    • My achievement orientation questionnaire
    • The importance of teamwork and collaboration
    • Beckhard’s model of team effectiveness
MPC Certifications
Meirc Professional Certificate (MPC)

MPC certified courses by Meirc Training & Consulting are designed for those willing to challenge themselves and go the extra distance. Participants who fully attend an MPC course and successfully complete the test on the last day, will receive a Meirc Professional Certificate (MPC), in addition to the one they receive for full attendance. MPC certificates are regionally recognized and can be quite valuable when applying for more senior roles within the organization or outside.

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