Best Practices in Conflict Resolution and Adaptability

Best Practices in Conflict Resolution and Adaptability

Why Attend

For most people a conflict is something to avoid at all costs. Therefore, they tend to distance themselves from situations where they ought to be taking control, instead of backing away from important issues.

The fact is that conflict is a normal part of life, and the ability to resolve conflicts effectively is a crucial skill for everyone to possess.

In this course we will learn and implement ways to use assertiveness and adaptability skills to manage and resolve conflicts in general and at the workplace. By doing so, you will improve your teams’ performance and develop a work environment conducive to goal attainment.

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Course Methodology

The course uses a mix of interactive techniques such as team exercises, case studies, individual exercises, as well as role plays (rehearsed and impromptu), videos and group feedback.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Identify causes and effects of conflicts
  • Provide various conflict-resolution strategies for various types of conflicts
  • Outline and manage a conflict resolution model
  • Design an action plan to resolve conflicts
  • Analyze and explain the impact of the right attitude on adaptability and conflict resolution
Target Audience

Individuals, business professionals, and employees who want to enhance their personal, professional, and organizational performance through implementing effective resolutions to various conflicts.

Target Competencies
  • Active listening
  • Handling rejections
  • Leading others
  • Problem solving
  • Assertiveness
  • Sensitivity to others
  • Understanding motivational needs
  • Flexibility
Course Outline
  • Workplace conflict
    • Definitions and types
    • Scope of conflict
      • General conflict
      • Workplace conflict
    • Why does conflict occur?
    • Dynamics of conflict
    • Effects of workplace conflict
      • Positive outcomes
      • Negative results
    • Life cycle of a conflict
    • Conflict and collaborative work connection
  • Types of workplace conflicts
    • Interdependence/task-based conflicts
    • Leadership conflicts
    • Cultural-based conflicts
    • Work styles conflicts
    • Personality conflicts
    • Reasons for conflict
  • Manager’s role in resolving conflicts
    • Recognizing conflict
    • The manager as a facilitator
    • conflict management skills
    • recognizing correct timing for resolution
    • Complaints by your staff
    • Angry customer causing a conflict
    • Conflict with the boss
    • Conflict in groups
    • Ethical leadership in conflict
  • Action plan for resolving conflicts
    • Constructive versus destructive
    • Constructive conflict management
    • Agreement frame
    • Conflict handling behavior
    • Perception and observation
    • Psychology of conflict resolution
    • Overview of anger management
    • Mediation and arbitration
    • Emotional intelligence and conflict management
  • Adaptability and conflict resolution in a changing environment
    • Definition of adaptability
    • Why do we resist change?
    • Controllable and uncontrollable influences
    • Adaptive mindset
    • Identify styles of adaptability
    • Theories of adaptation and conflict management
    • Guidance for managers
Schedule & Fees