Strategy Development and Review

Every organization, regardless of its size, nature or purpose, must have a strategy that guides its day to day operations. The turbulent times and the changing market dynamics sweeping the world have proven that without an effective strategy in place, the organization will be at risk.

At Meirc Training & Consulting, we have extensive experience in helping organizations develop strategies from scratch or review ones that are currently in place, to support them in attaining a favorable position or in sustaining one they currently hold. Our straightforward consulting solution in this domain relies on the use of our experience which extends for more than 60 years.

Quick Enquiry

The methodology we use to help our clients produce a new strategy or review a current one can be summarized in the illustration below:

The Process - Explained
Situation analysis (SWOT, PESTEL)

In Step 1, Meirc facilitates a working session with the stakeholders aimed at analyzing the situation in the organization from various perspectives, including internal and external. The analysis is then reviewed by Meirc experts who will eventually transcribe it in fat-free form so that the stakeholders can refer to it at a glance.

Identification of Critical Success Factors (CSFs)
Key Performance Areas (KPAs)

In Steps 2 and 3, Meirc experts will work with the stakeholders to brainstorm a set of Critical Success Factors that serve the purposes identified in the previous stage. The objective of this step is to ensure the organization is capitalizing on its strengths and opportunities while mitigating its weaknesses and threats. The result of stages 2 and 3 will be a set of CSFs which includes organizational Key Performance Areas, core competencies and core values.

Vision, mission and values

In Step 4, Meirc will facilitate a wordsmithing session to produce a Vision, Mission, and Value statement. The VMV will then be x-rayed by Meirc experts to ensure that all organizational CSFs identified in the previous stages, have been accounted for.

Vision, mission and values

In Step 4, Meirc will facilitate a wordsmithing session to produce a Vision, Mission, and Value statement. The VMV will then be x-rayed by Meirc experts to ensure that all organizational CSFs identified in the previous stages, have been accounted for.

Strategic goals

In Step 5, Meirc experts will facilitate a session aimed at developing a set of organizational strategic goals, that are aligned and/or a subset of the VMV. Once the strategic goals have been identified, Meirc experts will again review them before adding them onto the strategy document which by now has but one step before it is considered complete.

Strategic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

In Step 6, Meirc will take each of the KPAs and strategic goals identified, and work with the stakeholders on producing a set of strategic Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) which the stakeholders can use to monitor the effectiveness of their strategy. Before being added as the final components of the strategy document, these KPIs will be the subject of a quality control process by Meirc experts, who will review them to ensure they are valid and reliable.

The Deliverable

Once the strategy development sessions have been completed, Meirc will retreat to the back office and work on finalizing the strategy document for the organization which will include the following sections:

In preparation for our call

We strongly recommend that you have as many of the following inputs ready as possible:

  • The willingness and availability of the organization’s leader and the senior leadership team to spend 2 days on the various sessions required to complete the 6 stages.
  • The willingness to appoint a liaison whom Meirc can work with for an additional 3 days to complete the various sections of the strategy.

The availability of the above will expedite the process of creating a custom fit proposal for your consulting need.

Quick Enquiry