Certificate in Professional Arabic Writing Skills

Certificate in Professional Arabic Writing Skills

Why Attend

Professional writing skills are among the most important requirements for successfully climbing the career ladder. Proper business writing ability, like writing in a simple, clear and professional manner, is essential for effective organizational communication, and is therefore one of the criteria used to assess an employee’s readiness for a higher position.

This course aims to train participants in the most important elements of professional Arabic writing skills.

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Course Methodology

Starting with a description and explanation of the basic elements of professional Arabic writing, participants will discuss the main principles and apply them in carefully chosen individual and group exercises. An exam will also be given to show the extent of the participant’s acquisition of the necessary principles and skills.

Course Objectives

By the end of the course, participants will be able to:

  • Apply professional business writing skills in all their written communication
  • Create an Arabic business writing manual for use in their organizations
  • Write in the style most appropriate for the type of report needed
  • Write in a clear, specific and positive manner 
  • Avoid common business writing mistakes
  • Proofread and edit reports and documents
Target Audience

This course is designed to meet the needs of all levels of employees, in different departments of public or private sector organizations, whose work require professional business and report writing skills.

Target Competencies
  • Written communication
  • Abiding by the business writing rules
  • Organized thinking
  • Report writing
  • Proofreading
Course Outline
  • Definition of professional writing
    • History of professional writing
    • Types of writing
      • Professional Writing
      • Creative Writing
    • Effective elements of professional writing
    • Emails and other electronic media


  • Common mistakes in Arabic writing
    • The impact of mistakes
    • Common mistakes in professional writing
      • Grammatical errors
      • Morphological errors
      • Stylistic errors
      • Spelling mistakes
    • How to classify common mistakes in professional writing
    • How to avoid common mistakes in professional writing
      • Rules for writing ‘hamza’
      • Adding or deleting letters
      • Not distinguishing between confusing Arabic letters
      • Adding unnecessary letters
      • Mistakes in writing Arabic numbers
      • Deleting letters where we shouldn't 


  • The rules of professional writing
    • Types of reports
    • Categorizing according to the nature of the report
      • News report
      • Analytical report
    • Categorizing according to the status of reports
      • Official reports
      • Unofficial report
    • Categorizing according to recurrence of the reports
      • Periodic report
      • Non-periodic report
    • Professional reporting structure
    • Writing e-mail professionally
    • Writing minutes of meetings
      • Deliberation
      • Resolution


  • Punctuation
    • Mastering punctuation
    • Use of attachments and graphs
    • The benefits of proper punctuation
    • Summary steps
  • Different writing strategies
    • Types of editing 
    • Checking the grammar
    • Linguistic verification and review
    • Linguistic editing 
    • Proofreading
      • Deleting
      • Adding
      • Replacing
      • The esthetics of Arabic writing
    • Continuous development in professional business writing
MPC Certifications
Meirc Professional Certificate (MPC)

MPC certified courses by Meirc Training & Consulting are designed for those willing to challenge themselves and go the extra distance. Participants who fully attend an MPC course and successfully complete the test on the last day, will receive a Meirc Professional Certificate (MPC), in addition to the one they receive for full attendance. MPC certificates are regionally recognized and can be quite valuable when applying for more senior roles within the organization or outside.

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Schedule & Fees