Passionately developing careers since 1958.

Working from Home Effectively - Online Snippet

Meirc’s online snippet is a short 1.5 hour webinar delivered by one of our subject matter experts.


Not everyone lives in a 5-bedroom villa and a large backyard that allow them to dedicate a large space to work from home at ease. Many of us live in limited space and limited privacy at home. However, work from home can be done effectively even in such cases. To remain productive while working from home, employees need to develop abilities to manage workspace, time, and privacy. More importantly, employees need to realize that remaining effective while working from home is all about committing to productive routines. These routines are habits that can be built and maintained easily once a person understands the science of habits.
This online snippet is designed to equip employees working from home with the essential toolkit on time management, self-management, and space management so they remain productive during lockdown.

Major Take-aways
  • Challenges of working from home when everyone is home
  • Managing your time
  • Coordinating your online presence with teammates and work requirements
  • Managing privacy and calm
  • Setting up a workspace at home effectively
  • Best productive habits of work-from-home setup


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