Self-awareness – The Cornerstone of Emotional Intelligence - Online Snippet

Meirc’s online snippet is a short 1.5 hour webinar delivered by one of our subject matter experts.


To work from home effectively and remain productive while in lockdown, employees desperately need to develop the ability of controlling their mood to remain in focused work mode. A mandatory step to achieve this focus is self-awareness – the ability to recognize their emotional build up; a virtue that directly impacts motivation and productivity. Self-awareness is the foundational competence of emotional intelligence and yet most employees score low when they measure self-awareness.
We have designed this online snippet to highlight the importance of self-awareness but most importantly to give them a set of very practical tools to develop self-awareness and hence boost their work-from-home productivity. Participants will confront the challenges of low motivation and be able to regulate their emotional state to maintain high levels of motivation, avoid build up on negative emotions, and prevent burnout.

Major Take-aways
  • Exploring the impact of low emotional intelligence of productivity
  • Measuring self-awareness levels during lockdown
  • Practicing tools that increase self-awareness
  • Maintaining high levels of motivation and preventing burnout


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