Design Thinking

Design Thinking addresses a wide range of challenges and is best used for bringing about innovation within the following contexts:

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Design Thinking addresses a wide range of challenges and is best used for bringing about innovation within the following contexts:

Coping with rapid social or market changes
Issues relating to corporate culture
Issues relating to new technology
Re-inventing business models
Addressing rapid changes in society
Shifting markets and behaviors
Problems that data cannot solve

At Meirc Consulting Solutions, we are always at the forefront of uncovering new ways to help our customers discover their sweet spot of optimum performance and establish the critical balance between the different factors driving organizational success. We have created a sustainable model where the sweet spot is not a passing fad, but rather, a lasting endeavour that continues to generate success despite the extraordinary market circumstances that companies face.

The Process - Explained

At Meirc Consulting Solutions, we focus on the five-stage Design Thinking model proposed by the Hasso-Plattner Institute of Design at Stanford University. These stages are: Empathize, Define, Ideate, Prototype, and Test.

This stage is about gaining an empathic understanding of the problem the client wants to solve. This involves observing, engaging, and empathizing with people to understand their experiences and motivations, as well as immersion in the physical environment to gain a deeper personal understanding of the issues involved. Depending on time constraints, a substantial amount of information is gathered at this stage.
The Define stage is where we put together the information created and gathered during the Empathize stage. Here we analyze the observations and synthesize them in order to define the core problems clients and their teams identified up to this point. At this stage, we seek to define the problem as a problem statement. This stage also helps the team gather great ideas to establish features, functions, and any other elements to tackle the business challenge.
At this stage, we are ready to start generating ideas. Team members can start to identify new solutions to the problem statement we’ve created and we can start to look for alternative ways of viewing the problem. Meirc Consulting Solutions uses numerous Ideation techniques to stimulate free thinking and to expand the problem space. During this phase, we work with the client’s team to get as many ideas or solutions as possible.
Meirc Consulting Solutions guides the team to produce a number of inexpensive, scaled down versions of the product or service. This is an experimental phase, and the aim is to identify the best possible solution for each of the problems identified during the first three stages. By the end of this stage, the team will have a better idea of the constraints inherent in the product or service and how real users would behave, think, and feel when interacting with the end product.
Meirc Consulting Solutions works with the team to rigorously test the complete product or service using the best solutions identified during the prototyping phase. Since the process is iterative in nature, the results generated during this phase are used to redefine one or more problems. During this phase, alterations and refinements are made in order to rule out some solutions and derive as deep an understanding of the product and its users as possible.
The Deliverable

At Meirc Consulting Solutions, we work with our clients on developing a new customer-led philosophy by dramatically improving the levels of collaboration between engineers, designers, and marketing teams. We also work with our clients to redefine the role their customers play in shaping future product or service strategies.

However, while Design Thinking can be used in strategic matters, it can also be applied to many things including product and service designs.

The following is an example of the wireframing the Meirc Consulting Solutions team used to help customers in prototyping a business application. The prototype was the outcome of a two-week engagement during which the Meirc Consulting Solutions team uncovered several features of a smart phone app without incurring the heavy costs of testing or developing typically associated with such projects.

In preparation for our call

To maximize the results from working with Meirc Consulting Solutions, we strongly recommend that you ensure:

  • The willingness and availability of the organization’s leader and the senior leadership team to spend 2 days on the various sessions required to complete the project.
  • The willingness to appoint a liaison whom Meirc Consulting Solutions can work with for an additional 3 days to complete the remaining parts of the project.

Once the above has been agreed to, please contact us and we will be more than glad to start working with you on developing or improving your current processes.

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