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Happy Employees Equal Engaged Employees?

21st May, 2014

Does Employee Satisfaction Equal Employee Engagement?

A happy employee is an engaged employee, Yes/No?

According to all available research, including numerous global studies and surveys, the answer is a resounding and absolute No.

A Happy Employee - But Not Engaged

Look at it this way. An employee who is not engaged at work might very well indicate a high level of satisfaction with their organization. This employee is getting everything they wish: a steady paycheck, benefits, sick leave and paid vacation. However, their actual contribution to the well being of the organization in terms of, the typical discretionary indicators such as, innovation, creativity, productivity and, improved customer service is negligible. But they are satisfied. It's an easy ride maybe?

An Engaged Employee - But Not Happy

On the other hand, a fully engaged employee that is enthusiastic about their work is creative, innovative and who wants to contribute, might indicate a lower level of satisfaction with the same organization the opposite of the disengaged employee. Unhappy for various reasons, he/she goes on doing the "right things". These are the employees you risk losing. Some surveys suggest that over over 50% of employees are ready to start looking for new jobs once the crisis eases.

Typical Survey Results


In surveys Meirc has conducted on behalf of GCC/MENA clients, in the period 2008-2010, just over 50% of employees indicated that they were/are satisfied/very satisfied (not a great number).


Recent international surveys, including a recent Gallup international survey of over 100,000 employees, indicate that as many as 54% of employees are not engaged: they are at work physically but not mentally or emotionally and that another 17% are actively disengaged and unhappy, and worse still, spreading discontent, poor productivity and customer service levels as low as 17% satisfied customers.

Do You Know?

Some questions for you are "do you know whether your employees are happy?" Do you know how to assess whether or not they are engaged? Which is most important to you as a manager? Should you care? Do you want to know more?

have a great weekend wherever you are.

Leslie, Dubai, September 23, 2010

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